100 of my favourite quotes


1. in this world just had one rules that is KILL or be KILLED - crozz constantine
- luca blight(suikoden II)
3. I EXICTS only to KILL
- black waltz no. 3 (Final Fantasy 9)
4.The death cannot die!
-HUNK (Resident Evil)
5.You don't need a reason to help people
-zidane (Final Fantasy 9)
6. Right and wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our different standpoints, our perspectives that separate us.
-squall (Final Fantasy 8)
7.The world needs a new hero!
-genesis(Final fantasy 7 CC)
8. Embrace your dreams. If you want to be a hero you need to have dreams... and honor
-angeal(Final Fantasy 7 CC)
9. I pity you. You just don't get it at all...there's not a thing I don't cherish! - cloud(FF ACC)
10. Then I'll be going now. I'll come back when it's all over. - aerith(Final Fantasy 7)
11. You are just a puppet. You have no heart and cannot feel any pain. - sephiroth(Final Fantasy 7)
12. If this is all a dream, don't wake me up. - cloud(Final Fantasy 7)
13. To be forgotten, is worse than death. - Freya (Final Fantasy 9)
14. We live not to forget our past, but to learn from it! - Freya(Final Fantasy 9)
15. Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands! - auron(Final Fantasy 10)
16. I'm the leading man, and you know what they say about the leading man? He never dies. - balthier(Final Fantasy 12)
17. Wings are a sign of freedom, for those who have none, They don't symbolize monsters. - Cissnei(turks on Final Fantasy 7 CC)
18. "You can't run from what you see and feel..." -Oddessa S. (suikoden)
19. "Life is a long song, but the tune ends too soon for us all." -Kinnison (suikoden 2)
20. "I don't care about breeding. A sword doesn't need a fine lineage, it just needs to be sharp." -Luca B (suikoden 2)
21. Every lie contains the truth, and every truth contains a lie... - shu (suikoden 2)
22. An opportunity missed is an opportunity wasted! -seed(suikoden 2)
23. "You don't need qualifications to make a difference."-yun(suikoden 3)
24. It's not my style to apologize for things that happen in battle -Borus R(suikoden 3)
25. The one who doesn't use his power,is a coward- mathiu S.(suikoden)
26. I believe that will can change the fate of this world. - Geddoe(suikoden 3)
27. Let me tell you something. There are weak men and strong men in this world. The strong men take everything and the weak men die. That's how the world was designed. Now I will show you how it works, weaklings!!!! - Luca Blight(suikoden 2)
28. I believe you're strong enough to go and make this world a better place..-Leknaat
29. Having sworn fealty, must I spend my life in servitude? - steiner FF9
30. The only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty - amarant FF9
31. I do what I want! You have problem!? - Quina FF9
32. I don't wanna be alone anymore... - eiko carol FF9
33. I'm not gonna cry! I'm a grown-up now, and crying won't help one bit! - eiko carol FF9
34. How do you prove that you exist...? Maybe we don't exist... - vivi FF9
35. i will... never be a memory - sephiroth FF ACC
36. Men cry not for themselves, but for their comrades. - zack FF7
37. Always remember that your destiny is in your own hands. Never forget that. You must decide what is right. Do you understand? (leknaat-suikoden I)
38. This is blood. My blood... You are not aware of it, but a lot more blood is being shed by the innocent...at the hands of the Imperial government... You must put an end to it. Even if I die... If my hopes remain alive...I can be proud of my life. My blood... (oddesa S.-suikoden I)
39. There's nothing you gain from war, we fight so we don't lose what's dear to us (ellaine-suikoden II)
40. All you need is courage in your heart and hope in your eyes.(koyu-suikoden II)
41. fear leads to anger... anger leads to hate... hate leads to suffering - necron (boss in FF9)
42. You must fight to the end! Even though it may bring tragedy to others! - edea kramer (FF8)
43. I don't want you all to become machines. I want you all to be able to think and act for yourselves. - headmaster cid (FF 8)
44. 'We live to make the impossible possible!' - Lightning(FF 13)
45."I control my own fate!" -Lighting(FF 13)
46. It's not a question of can or can't, there are somethings you just had to do - lightning(FF 13)
47. "a target is a target" -Lightning(FF 13)
48. "I'm no one's slave" -Lightning (FF 13)
49. "I'm going to save everyone!" - snow (FF 13)
50. 'Wishes can come true. But not if you just wait for miracles. Miracles are things we make for ourselves'- Vanille (FF 13)
51. "No matter how dark the night, morning always comes, and our journey begins anew" - Lulu (FF X)
52. "If you want everything, you'll end up with nothing."
-Lulu (FF X)
53. "Too late and to their sorrow do those who misplace their trust in Gods learn their fate!"-Judge Bergan (FF 12)
54. Words aren't the only way to tell someone how you feel... - tifa (FF 7)
55. Too much hope is the opposite of despair... An overpowering love may consume you in the end... - vincent valentine (FF7)
56. No one lives in the slums because they want to. It's like this train. It can't run anywhere except where its rails take it... - cloud strife (FF7)
57. Why do people depend on each other? In the end you're on your own. - squal lionheart (FF8)
58. The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them... - yuna (FF X)
59. Even with power, we cannot change what has passed. What is done, is done.. - ashe (Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings)
60. So I ran. Free at last... Then I met you. All that running and I got nowhere. It's time to end this - cut my ties to the past - balthier (FF XII)
61. The Reins of History, back in the hands of Man - dr.cid (FF XII)
62. The Illusions of the past. You think to have cast them off, only to find them years later, unwearying, unrelenting. The past can bind a man as surely as irons - reddas (FF XII)
63. Are sins... ever forgiven? - cloud (FF ACC)
64. Heroes don't run from fights - snow (FF XIII)
65. Wishes can come true. But not if you just wait for miracles. Miracles are things we make for ourselves. Here, and now - vanille (FF XIII)
66. I know it's selfish... but this is my story! - tidus (FF X)
67. I don't care if I'm a dream. I like my life now. - tidus (FF X)
68. I thought this would be easier some how... with all my friends together beside me. I've been trying so hard. - yuna (FF X)
69. I have faith in your victory. - rin (FF X)
70. We all live in fear of Sin. You know that. - dona (FF X)
71. "We had no choice." Always "We had no choice." Those were our magic words. We repeat them to ourselves again and again but you know... The magic never worked! The only thing we're left with is regret - yuna (FF X)
72. No... I don't want this anymore. I don't want friends to die or fade away. I don't want battles where we have to lose in order to win. (FF X)
73. I swore I wouldn't run away anymore! I'd rather fight and lose than give up without even trying! - vanille (FF X)
74. Memories are nice, but that's all they are. - rikku (FF X)
75. A little fear will control the minds of the common people - rufus (FF 7)
76. People are ignorant. They'll feel better as long as someone is punished. - rufus (FF 7)
77. Listen up! Teamwork means staying out of my way! - seifer (FF 8)
78. The price of freedom is steep. - Zack (FF 7)
79. I don't care what you are doing, so much as the idiotic way that you are doing it. - vincent valentine (FF 7)
80. Strength without determination means nothing, and determination without strength is equally useless - Godo kisaragi (FF 7)
81. Escape from a world of illusions... Hmph... I wonder which is better. - vincent valentine (FF 7)
82. I was frozen in time, but I feel as if my time is just beginning... - vincent valentine (FF 7)
83. It's no good, I don't understand. What should I do? What if you never recover for the rest of your life? - tifa (FF 7)
84. A memory is something that is consciously recalled, right? That's why sometimes, it can be mistaken or wrong. It's different from a memory locked deep within your heart - tifa (FF 7)
85. People have many things pent up inside of themselves. So many things they can never forget. Strange, isn't it? - tifa (FF 7)
86. Something bothers me, I think it is your way of life. You don't get paid. You don't get praised. Yet, you still risk your lives and continue on your journey. Seeing that makes me... it just makes me think about my life. -cait sith (FF 7)
87. What may be a few to you was everything to those who died... -cait sith (FF 7)
88. What if all the memory was just a lie? - cloud (FF 7)
89. A sealed up, secret wish. Tender memories... no one can ever know. - cloud (FF 7)
90. Only death awaits you all, but do not fear. For is it through death that a new spirit energy is born. Soon, you will live again as a part of me.- sephiroth (FF 7)
91. We may be retreating but we're still victorious." - reno the turks (FF 7)
92. Don't misunderstand. Those who sacrifice themselves for their jobs aren't pros ... just fools. - reno the turks (FF 7)
93. Why can't you forgive yourself? - aerith (FF 7)
94. I will destroy everything! I will create a monument to non-existence - kefka (FF 6)
95. "In this world are many like me who've killed their emotions. Don't forget that." -Shadow (FF 6)
96. Now, for my next trick, I will make you all...disappear! - kefka (FF 6)
97. Unattainable dreams are the best kind - lazard (FF 7)
98.Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return. Genesis - Final Fantasy VII CC)
99. My talent's up to scratch, but that name isn't - garnet (FF 9)
100. "I don't go around looking for trouble, but I'll fight back if trouble finds me. Why don't you apologise, and maybe I'll forgive you." - Amarant (FF 9)

may be i will explain one by one of my favourite quotes :D

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chocobo VS peco-peco who's win?


well, what do you choose? chocobo or peco-peco???

they are same...
"chiken" used like "HORSE" O_o

in Final Fantasy,chocobo is famous animal.... have many color,not just yellow,but also: green,blue,black,gold,etc

chocobo is used for transportation and also side quest for final fantasy series,,,
one again... chocobo is cute chicken,so... many girl like chocobo so much,hehe....
maybe many people like this "creature" because chocobo music theme is so great!!!

in Ragnarok Online... Peco-Peco also used like horse for knight and Grand peco-peco for crusaider....

they are look cute with full color of their feather.... not like chocobo just one color,peco-peco has many color...

and peco-peco actually is weak monster,but if knight or crusaider ride on it,they will walk faster than walk without peco-peco....

here is a image of chocobo and peco-peco,i was made it by my self :p

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Linkin Park - The Catalyst


God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfoght
It can't be outdone
It can't out matched
It can't be outrun

God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfoght
It can't be outdone
It can't out matched
It can't be outrun

And when I close my eyes tonight
To symphonies of blinding light
(God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
Like memories in cold decay
Transmissions echoing away
Far from the world of you and I
Where oceans bleed into the sky

God save us everyone,
Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?
For the sins of our hand
The sins of our tongue
The sins of our father
The sins of our young

God save us everyone,
Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?
For the sins of our hand
The sins of our tongue
The sins of our father
The sins of our young

And when I close my eyes tonight
To symphonies of blinding light
(God save us everyone,
Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?
Like memories in cold decay
Transmissions echoing away
Far from the world of you and I
Where oceans bleed into the sky

Like memories in cold decay
Transmissions echoing away
Far from the world of you and I
Where oceans bleed into the sky

Lift me up
Let me go (x10)

God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfoght
Can't be outdone
It can't out matched
It can't be outrun

God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfoght
Can't be outdone
It can't out matched
It can't be outrun

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Final Fantasy Chocobo